Just The Crumbs Ministry Update
Just the Crumbs (JTC) will be serving in Bowling Green, Ky. through Dec. 22, then will crank back up in Mayfield on Dec. 27. We are moving equipment from Raceland, La to Mayfield for an extended period. (We have been serving La. for almost 4 months.) We will serve in Mayfield as long as there is a need and we have the resources to do so.
Thank all of you for your continued support. We cannot do what we do without loving caring people like you. Please continue to pray! You can help by making a donation at paypal.me/JustTheCrumbs. You can also mail your donation to: Just The Crumbs, 10 Wagon Trail, Sumrall, Miss. 39482; or BMA Missions, P.O. Box 878, Conway, Ark. 72033. (Please specify for Just The Crumbs.)
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