LIFEWORD: Letters to My Children - Time Capsule
By Joyce Parker
To My Children:
I am writing this letter for you to read in 50 years. I hope I can be there, but if not, know I am rejoicing with Jesus. As I write this, I’m wondering what you will be like and what you will be doing. I hope you are healthy and happy in life — I think all good parents wish that for their kids — but there are a few things I pray for even more than those.
I pray you have put your faith in Jesus and are following Him. Jesus told His original 12 disciples, “Follow me,” and they left everything and went after Him. He told them that whoever left houses or lands, mothers, sisters or brothers for Him would receive a hundredfold and inherit eternal life. I hope you have found that following Jesus is worth giving up everything for and that you have followed Him closely all these years. If you haven’t, now is the perfect time. As Charles Spurgeon said, “When sin is pardoned, our greatest sorrow is ended, and our truest pleasure begins.” That pleasure can begin now by repenting of your sins and asking Jesus to save you. Tomorrow is not promised, but right now is not too late. Choose to walk with Jesus daily by studying His Word and obeying His will for your life.
If you are following Jesus, I pray you are looking to Him to be the perfecter of your faith. I’m sure a lot of hard things have happened in your life. You may have a lot of pain, anxiety, regret or a sin you still can’t seem to beat after all these years. Are you looking to Christ for healing, trusting He is working all things for your good? Are you casting your burdens on Him, trusting His Word that says He will sustain you? Are you resting in His grace that already paid for your sins so you can be free from shame and regret? Are you looking to Him for the strength to overcome that sin, trusting that He who began the good work of your salvation will bring it to completion? Or are you trying to do it all yourself? Look to Jesus, knowing that the One who began your faith is the One who will keep you going in the faith, perfect your faith and keep you until the end.
I pray you are sharing the good news of Jesus with others. God may have blessed you with children. You may even have grandchildren! (I hope I get the joy of knowing them!) Have you told them about Jesus? Do they know the same hope you have? Or are they floundering around in the ocean of life without a lifejacket? Don’t withhold the life preserver from them just because it might disrupt the pleasantries between you. If you don’t tell them about Jesus, you are leaving them to fend for themselves in this broken world and ultimately to die. If you love them, tell them about the only One who can save their life. If you’ve told them, leave the results up to God, remain steadfast in prayer and continue to live by example.
Above all, remember God’s unceasing love for you. I love you, too, and I write these things so that you may know you have eternal life. If there is one thing I want you to know after all these years, it’s that.
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