National Galilean Camp 2023
By Michael Powers, National Galilean Historian
Every year, Galileans from all over the country meet to fellowship, dive deeper into the Word of God and just have fun with other guys their age. Churches from Arkansas, Mississippi and Texas were in attendance. Our theme this year was “Fearless Faith,” with the theme verses of II Tim. 1:7; Psalm 23:4; 56:3-4.
The camp speaker was Maverick Hendricks, who filled in with two days’ notice for Dr. John David Smith who had emergency surgery on his eye. Maverick answered the call of “Fearless Faith” and did an outstanding job delivering God’s Word. He spoke from Daniel 1 and 3 on how Daniel, Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego were taken from what they knew and subjected to efforts to convert them to something different than they were, but instead they stood firm and had “Fearless Faith.”
The following national officers were elected for 2024: President Charlie Martin, First Vice President Eli Drumm, Second Vice President Aaron Blacksmith, Secretary Will Martin, Worship Leader Riley Sellers, Historian Spencer Jackson, Mr. Galilean Jr. Levi Franks and Mr. Galilean Sr. Will Miller.
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