SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Joshua & Meagan Phiri • Zambia
Warm greetings from Zambia! We trust this report finds you well and filled with the joy of the Lord. We are writing to express our deepest appreciation for your generous contributions toward our trip back to the mission field in Zambia. Your support has not only made our return possible but has also facilitated impactful projects that are transforming lives in remarkable ways.
• Update on Water Wells — In the Samson and Delevu villages, we’ve installed water wells to bring clean, life-giving water to the villagers. These wells aren’t just about quenching thirst or watering gardens. They represent something deeper. They’re symbols of the boundless love of Jesus, reflecting the essence of the living water He represents. With these wells, villagers can access clean water for drinking, cooking and bathing, improving their health and hygiene. Additionally, they can irrigate their gardens, ensuring a steady supply of fresh produce to nourish their families. These wells not only meet a basic need but also carry a profound message of hope and love.
• Providing Clean Water and Food Security — Join us on a journey of empathy and change during this drought-stricken year in Zambia. We find ourselves at a crucial juncture, where your backing can usher in life-saving water wells and bolster food stability in vulnerable villages. Picture the ripple effect of your generosity — every well we establish isn’t just a water source; it’s a symbol of hope for families to cultivate their own sustenance. Within these gardens, amid the dry soil, sprouts not only nourishment but also resilience and a glimpse of a brighter future. Your participation extends beyond quenching thirst; it’s about planting seeds of nourishment and progress. Together, let’s shift the balance against drought, crafting havens of plenty and wellness. Join us and become the rain in someone’s desert, the source of renewal for an entire village.
• New Bible Study Groups and Audio Bibles — In addition to the water well projects, we have initiated new Bible study groups in various villages. Your support has allowed us to ship audio Bibles, providing a powerful tool for sharing the gospel and facilitating meaningful discussions. These groups are fostering spiritual growth and building a strong sense of community among the villagers.
• Prayers — Please keep us in your prayers as we embark on these new endeavors. Pray for the success and impact of the water well projects, the growth of the Bible study groups and for God’s continued guidance in our connections and partnerships.
If you are reading this and are not currently part of our financial team, would you consider supporting us monthly? If you would like to give via check, please make checks payable to BMA Missions — ChangeMaker, write on the memo line, “For Joshua Phiri” and mail the check to P.O. Box 878, Conway, Ark. 72033. If you would like to give online, use the secure BMA online giving page at All gifts are tax deductible.
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