SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Brandon & Brittney Lingle • Thailand

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SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Brandon & Brittney Lingle • Thailand

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      Recently, we went up into the mountains to Jen’s village. Here we are in their tribal dress. It was a joy to witness a wedding there and spend time with friends who are like family to us. Here are some recent highlights from our lives and ministry:          • Rebuilding a Member’s House — A dear sister in our church hadn’t told us for about two years that part of her house was unlivable. After some of the members and I went to look at it, we decided we wanted to help tear it down ...
Middle East Missions… From My Perspective

Middle East Missions… From My Perspective

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All The News | Free Article | BMA Missions
By Charlie Costa, Missionary and Regional Coordinator for the Middle East Perception       Okay, let’s start from the beginning: Missionary life is fun. Missionaries live in exotic places far away. They eat exotic foods, visit fun places and at the end, they tell us they are suffering for Jesus. Or are they? Reality       How about reality — living with no electricity, no running...


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