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SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Mickeal & Sharon Quillman • Zambia

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SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Mickeal & Sharon Quillman • Zambia

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      “I want a hippopotamus for Christmas. Only a hippopotamus will do. I don’t want a doll, no dinky Tinkertoy. I want a hippopotamus to play with and enjoy!”       I used to sing that song all the time as a kid, never thinking I would live in a place where I actually have hippos! A few weeks ago, Sharon and I were given the opportunity to go canoeing on the Zambezi River with a couple of friends we have made here. We were told this area of the river only had 23 hippos in total, and ...
SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Joshua & Meagan Phiri • Zambia

SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Joshua & Meagan Phiri • Zambia

      As we approach the beginning of a new year, I wanted to share some exciting updates and prayer requests concerning our return to Zambia and the future of our ministry. This journey back to Zambia will be unique as we will be traveling with our three little blessings — a four-year-old, an almost two-year-old, and a three-month-old. Your prayers for safety, health and peace during the...


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