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For All The Churches

All The News|BMA of Arkansas

For All The Churches

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By Tony Crocker, President • BMA of Arkansas       Hello, BMA of Arkansas! Our state association will meet at Central Baptist College in Conway Nov. 7-8. More information and a detailed schedule will be published in a future issue of the Trumpet, but please add this event to your calendars now and plan to be with us as we partner together in the work of this association. As in past years, the state WMA and Brotherhood will have meetings, and plans are already underway for our annual ...
BMA of Arkansas Meets

BMA of Arkansas Meets

0 265
All The News | BMA of Arkansas
      The 74th annual BMA of Arkansas meeting was held Thursday and Friday, Nov. 2-3, at Central Baptist College. The theme, chosen by President Michael Battenfield, was “Remembering Our First Love: The Christ of the Gospel” based on Rev. 2:1-7.       The final Enrollment Committee report indicated that there were 111 messengers enrolled, with 100 churches represented at the meeting (57 by...


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