SPINNING MY GEARS: The Time I Didn't Want To Believe the Bible

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SPINNING MY GEARS: The Time I Didn't Want To Believe the Bible

0 239
      In 2017, I met regularly with my pastor and another servant of God for discipleship. We met after the sun had gone down and would spend two to three hours a week being shaped by the Word of God and navigating the issues of life through its counsel. At the time, I sensed I had grown in the Lord but lacked a framework of understanding that adequately pulled all that I studied into a cohesive framework of understanding. Our discipleship triad began to work through Jimmy A Millikin’s ...
SPINNING MY GEARS: Triage in Ministry - Prioritizing Unity and Doctrinal Difference

SPINNING MY GEARS: Triage in Ministry - Prioritizing Unity and Doctrinal Difference

0 301
All The News | Premium Content | Spinning My Gears
      Unpredictable wait times cause frustration among the people assembled in the local emergency department (ED). When we go to a restaurant and give the hostess our party size, we expect to be seated in the order that we arrived as long as a table is available. The ED is different, though. The person who has lost a limb will get to see a provider before the person who has a stomach bug and...

SPINNING MY GEARS: Discrning God's Direction (Part 2) Maintaining an Awareness of God’s Presence in Our Lives

0 310
All The News | Premium Content | Spinning My Gears
      Last week, I began to introduce what a dashboard for spiritual health might look like in a believer’s life. I did so by comparing the complicated variables in our lives to the intricate...


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