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SPINNING MY GEARS: Pieces Make the Whole

All The News|Spinning My Gears

SPINNING MY GEARS: Pieces Make the Whole

0 123
      In Paul’s first letter to the church in Corinth, we find the familiar illustration of the church as a body (I Cor. 12:12-27). Paul mentioned the feet, hands, ears and eyes that belong to the body. He even contrasts body parts that are weaker with those that are stronger and those that are less honorable with those that are more honorable. This illustration captures the unity and interconnectedness of the church and highlights each member’s unique role. It’s a reminder that each of us ...
SPINNING MY GEARS: The Time I Didn't Want To Believe the Bible

SPINNING MY GEARS: The Time I Didn't Want To Believe the Bible

0 276
All The News | Premium Content | Spinning My Gears
      In 2017, I met regularly with my pastor and another servant of God for discipleship. We met after the sun had gone down and would spend two to three hours a week being shaped by the Word of God and navigating the issues of life through its counsel. At the time, I sensed I had grown in the Lord but lacked a framework of understanding that adequately pulled all that I studied into a...

SPINNING MY GEARS: Discrning God's Direction (Part 2) Maintaining an Awareness of God’s Presence in Our Lives

0 339
All The News | Premium Content | Spinning My Gears
      Last week, I began to introduce what a dashboard for spiritual health might look like in a believer’s life. I did so by comparing the complicated variables in our lives to the intricate...


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