2022 Ladies Retreat
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2022 Ladies Retreat
The WMA of Arkansas is sponsoring the Ladies Retreat on Sept. 23-24 at Central Baptist College! Our keynote speaker this year is Yolanda Merrill of Lifeword, and our theme for the retreat is from II Cor. 9:8 — “He is Enough!”
We will start at 6 p.m. with registration beginning at 5:30 p.m. Registration cost is $50 per lady, and GMA Counselors receive half-price registration. This cost includes snacks on Friday night, a t-shirt and lunch on Saturday in the CBC cafeteria, which has been recently renovated.
We will be having a scavenger hunt again on Friday night you will not want to miss. Saturday’s sessions include worship with Angela Wisely and breakout sessions to be announced soon. We will end our time together by 3:30 p.m.
We had a great time last year with about 125 ladies in attendance. Let’s see if we can double that this year!
To register, call Kelly Williams at (214) 534-9875 or go to tiny.cc/arkwma.
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