All The News|Student Ministry Matters
STUDENT MINISTRY: Is Your Student Ministry Ministering?
We often think of student ministry as what we do on a Wednesday or Sunday night. We gather our students together and think real ministry is being accomplished. While the work of equipping our students for the Christian life is important, ministry happens when our students get involved in serving the King in the world beyond the doors of our church buildings. What does that look like? One of my recent graduates was the president of their school’s Fellowship of Christian Athletes. She spoke ...
JOURNEY WITH JEFF: Encouraging Note
As I mentioned in my article last week, we have had a number of churches contact us over the last few weeks to cancel their church plans, and I shared the need for an increase in subscribers in order to keep the ministry of the Trumpet going. I received a note from a faithful reader and subscriber with his intention, even though he is on a fixed income, to start an “each one, win one”...