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CBC Represented at Arkansas Student Leadership Forum
By Emma Love, CBC Student
I was blessed to have been chosen by one of my professors to attend the Arkansas Student Leadership Forum (ASLF) Sept. 26-28. Alongside me were four other Central Baptist College (CBC) students attending this conference as CBC representatives. It was the most amazing experience. I have attended other leadership conferences, but this one was unlike any other because the content was about how to be leaders in our communities as believers.
Justin ...
Pray for Laborers
By Dr. Philip Attebery, President • BMA Seminary
During some recent conversations with pastors, church members, seminary and Bible college administrators, all conceded that there appears to be a lack of young men surrendering to the ministry. It begs the question, “Why are so few young men surrendering to the ministry?” I doubt anyone can prove the specific cause. However, Jesus did...