A few weeks ago, I wrote an article that was unfortunately timely. At that time Russia seemed staged to invade Ukraine, but still, it seemed unlikely we’d see an unprovoked invasion like has occurred. The purpose of the article was to jump ahead of what I believe is an incorrect interpretation of Ezekiel 38 which proposes that Russia will lead a coalition of nations that will invade Israel. I didn’t write the article to flex my interpretative opinion, but it was written from a pastoral ...
Lewdness is a life dominated by sexual lust; “fornication” is illicit sexual indulgence. “Concupiscence” is passionate lust and implies a willful yielding to passions. “Vessel” is the believer’s body. To “defraud” is to take advantage of. “Sanctification” and “holiness” come from the same word and mean consecration.
In Paul’s day, living in the light of the second coming...