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Leading Into the Future
File: Barker June 22
Graphic: Barker June 22.jpg
Leading Into the Future
Nostalgia can be a lot of fun, but it can also be paralyzing. When we worship the past and how things use to be, it causes us to miss out on the opportunities before us right now. The future is always moving toward us and while it is quite uncertain, we must be preparing and planning how to connect with it. How will we engage our culture in the future with Christianity no longer the default identity? ...
Confessions Of A Recovering Know-It-All
By the late Maggie Chandler
I am a recovering know-it-all.
The reason I say “know-it-all” is because of my natural tendency toward blind certainty. In other words, sometimes wrong, but never in doubt.
The reason I say “recovering” is that God is doing a work in me (as He is), and I am seeing a slight bit of improvement. If nothing else, I am now more aware of this...