All The News
The Sufficiency of Scripture
Nathan Brewer, Grace Harbor Church, Oklahoma City -
Jason Goodwin and I rarely have an interaction where I don’t end up laughing hysterically by the time the conversation ends. His passion and intensity have brought about many moments of laughter between us, but as we gathered for the BMA of America meeting in Springfield, Mo. in April, God used these traits to grip our hearts for the seriousness and sufficiency of God’s Word.
Within minutes of him stepping off the stage, I tracked ...
Good Soil Evangelism And Discipleship Conference
Do you remember the parable of the sower? What were the different types of soil? After sharing the parable, Jesus later explained to the disciples: “When anyone hears the word about the kingdom and doesn’t understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. This is the one sown along the path. And the one sown on rocky ground — this is one who hears the word and...