All The News|Just Thinking
The Things We Say
Several years ago, I wrote an article with this same title, but as I was just thinking about that, I realized that we still say one thing when we really mean another. I share just a couple of those things we say for your consideration.
“Going to Church”
This is one of the sayings made most often, yet it is one of the most improperly conveyed statements because we do not, in fact, “go to church.”The church gathers at a meeting place, but that place is not the church. ...
TRUMPET NOTES: March 9, 2022
A Night to Honor Israel
Agape Church in Little Rock (701 Napa Valley Dr., Little Rock, Ark. 72211) will be hosting a “Night to Honor Israel” on Sunday, March 13 at 6 p.m. A Night to Honor Israel will be a time to honor the nation of Israel and will feature Sarah Huckabee Sanders as the keynote speaker. Sarah will speak about her time at the White House, where she served as Press...