All The News|Leave It To Cleaver
Say It Ain’t So
I want to say it ain’t so, but it is so. The high priests of the sociopolitical religion have replaced the four Gospels of the New Testament. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John have been replaced by Google, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The epistles are now Tik Tok, WhatsApp, YouTube and many others already in use and others coming soon. Of course, Alexa and/or Siri seem to serve as a spirit to lead one to the “truth” of the sociopolitical agenda.
The priests of the ...
RESOURCE: Simply Prayer by Bill Elliff
After a short break, the Friday morning men’s group at our church resumed its weekly sessions. After completing a survey of Nehemiah, the question was posed, “What next?” The group settled on the subject of prayer and to use Simply Prayer by Bill Eliff as a study guide. That proved to be a defining moment! The study has been truly transformational for the men. A Sunday morning group then...