Greenbrier District GMA Meets
By Brenna Dugger, Corresponding Secretary
The Greenbrier District GMA held a meeting Jan. 21 at Antioch Baptist Church in Conway. The girls started with a lunch fellowship while our Miss and Jr. Miss candidates went through interviews.
The officers started the meeting with worship, then went to the business part of the meeting where we nominated officers for the upcoming state meeting. Lydia Dunlap was our speaker, and she talked about our ...
Dr. Gerald Kellar’s book of sermons, In His Service, has been released on Amazon by his daughter, Jerrie Sue and his son-in-law, Tony Cleaver. The book is available as an eBook or paperback.
This book of sermons by Dr. Gerald Kellar is packed with 140 of the all-time best sermons he preached all over the world and in hundreds of revivals across the United States. In His Service...