All The News|Healthy Church Solutions
HEALTHY CHURCH: Why Leave A Church?
There are many reasons that a pastor might decide to move to another ministry such as opportunity, an open door, a bigger congregation, a chance for full-time ministry and the leadership of the Holy Spirit. There are other explanations as well that must be navigated in the minister’s heart and quiet time with the Lord. A greater concern is the prospect that your well has dried up and the stark reality that you cannot give what you do not possess. Remember, doing things for Christ must ...
HEALTHY CHURCH: Hard Choices and Hard Changes
Some necessary elements and characteristics of healthy churches are the following: future-oriented, vision-driven and high-risk faith. This means that the leadership of healthy churches must be willing to make the hard choices and hard changes other leaders are unwilling to make. This requires supernatural, Holy Spirit enabled courage. J.D. Greear said, “God does not call the brave;...