All The News|Just Thinking
JUST THINKING: God's Unbroken Promises
I was just thinking about a phrase I have been using for decades — “God is not just a promise maker; He is a promise keeper.” That is a truth we must never lose sight of.
Israel is once again at war. This is not because of what the nation is — but who the people are and to whom they belong. The attacks by Hamas on the small Middle East nation are based on hatred. It is a religious war, and the enemies want all Jews, in Israel and globally, to be wiped from the face of the ...
BMA FINANCIAL: New Pending Regulations
By Mark Bradley, Insurance Services • BMA Financial
Part of the value our Insurance Services practice provides is making sure our churches are aware of regulatory items which will apply to them. The US Department of Labor (DOL) Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) establishes the regulatory boundaries for employee classifications as either Exempt (salaried) or Non-Exempt (hourly)...