Auxillary Reports
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Auxillary Reports

Greenbrier District GMA Meets

By Brenna Dugger, Corresponding Secretary

      The Greenbrier District GMA held a meeting Jan. 21 at Antioch Baptist Church in Conway. The girls started with a lunch fellowship while our Miss and Jr. Miss candidates went through interviews.

      The officers started the meeting with worship, then went to the business part of the meeting where we nominated officers for the upcoming state meeting. Lydia Dunlap was our speaker, and she talked about our theme “International Surprises” and how we can be missionaries in our daily lives.

      The GMAs then had their Miss and Jr. Miss presentation by former District, State and National Miss GMA Lydia Dunlap. The following were selected: Maci Cofer, Alternate Jr. Miss GMA; Alison Burgess, Jr. Miss GMA; Sydney Lunsford, Alternate Miss GMA; and Breanna Dugger, Miss GMA. The Greenbrier District GMAs congratulate these young ladies and ask that you pray for them in the upcoming year.

Southwest District GMA Meets

By Madison Miller, Secretary

      The Southwest Arkansas District GMA met on April 13 at Logoly Park near Magnolia for our “Fun Day” with 30 present. We had a short meeting before our activities.

      Madison Miller gave a devotional about Abraham and Sarah and the miracle God gave them by giving them a baby son, Isaac. Secretary Madison Miller and Peggy Cook read the minutes from our last meeting, and they were read and approved. Carole Yates gave the treasurer’s report. We sent $900 to the current project for the last quarter, the Middle East Relief Fund for BMAA Missionary Charlie Costa.

      After our meeting, we walked the trails at the park and picked up trash and debris. Then we had a sack lunch, and the girls played on the playground and visited the displays. It was a beautiful day!

National GMA Officers Meet

By Aileena Maynard, Corresponding Secretary

      The national GMA officers had their second planning meeting for this year’s National Girl’s Discipleship Retreat. This retreat is a four-day camp for girls up to 12th grade at Daniel Springs Camp June 11-14. The theme for this year is the “Chronicles of Immanuel: The Lion, the Lamb and the Stone Table,” and the theme verse is Rom. 5:8.

      We are going to have color teams at camp this year! Each girl will be given a color team at registration, with a little something to match their color. We are also going to have a point system for each color team! Points will be earned by winning games or reciting the daily verse to your team’s officer, so be prepared to memorize when you get there!

      We are so excited for you to join us at Girl’s Discipleship Retreat 2024! For more information, contact the National Director of Youth Auxiliary Lane Flynt at

United District WMA Meets

By Becky Tollison, Reporter

     The United District WMA met Saturday, April 13 at Grace Baptist Church in Russellville with 22 in attendance and 7 churches represented. The Children’s Choir from Grace sang for us before the message by Danny Paul from Matt. 5:14-16.

     Recommendations from Officers were:

     • Our July meeting to be held at Hattieville Baptist Church, with the Everlasting Smiles (Shoebox) project as our goal

     • The Oct. 5 meeting to be held at Mt. Pleasant in Plumerville, with our goal to be the National WMA project voted at national meeting.

     Carolyn Colvert reported on our goal, Bibles for the Quillmans in Zambia, and we received $610 for this project. She then introduced our program, which was Judy and Gus Biggers in concert. They gave a wonderful performance and testimony.

Mount Vernon Brotherhood Meets

By Lance Madden, Reporter

      (December Meeting) - The Mount Vernon BMA Brotherhood met Monday, Dec. 4, 2023, at Central Baptist Church in Hughes for our quarterly meeting. We had 28 present, with 6 churches represented and collected an offering of $250 for Mt. Vernon BMA Missions.

      After a meal by the host church, Lee Roberts brought the special music and introduced Greg Moss, chaplain for the Whiteville Correctional Facility in Tennessee, as our speaker for the evening. He brought a convicting message from Amos 8:11-12 titled, “The Causes of Spiritual Famine.”

      The next meeting of the Mt. Vernon BMA Brotherhood will be March 4 at Bethel Baptist Church in Forrest City at 6:30 p.m. Our offering goal will be Mt. Vernon BMA Missions. We encourage all men and boys in the Mt. Vernon BMA to join us as we enjoy food, fellowship and worship the Lord together. If you attend, you will receive a blessing!

      (March Meeting) - The Mount Vernon BMA Brotherhood met Monday, March 4, at Bethel Baptist Church in Forrest City for our quarterly meeting, with 42 present and 11 churches represented. We collected an offering of $333 for Mt. Vernon BMA Missions.

      The host church fed us a delicious meal of BBQ with all the fixings and desserts. After the meal, Bernard Evans led in singing, Lee Roberts sang, "He Touched Me,” and Joe and Rose Kemmer played a medley of songs on the accordion and piano.

      Marty Cantwell then introduced David McDougald, pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Wynne, who brought a powerful message, “Are You Hungry?” from John 6:32-35, 48. He challenged us to see if our hearts are truly hungry for the Word of God. He encouraged us to get hungry for God’s Word, and to see what God will do in our midst.

      The next meeting of the Mt. Vernon BMA Brotherhood will be June 3 at Grace in Wynne at 6:30 p.m. Our offering goal will be Mt. Vernon BMA Missions. We encourage all men and boys in the Mt. Vernon BMA to join us as we enjoy food, fellowship and worship the Lord together. Come and be blessed!

Central Arkansas Brotherhood Meets

By Bill Thornton, Secretary/Treasurer

      (January meeting) - The Central Arkansas District Brotherhood met at Pleasant Grove, Carlisle on Jan. 8. Dr. Charlie Holmes, president of the BMA Theological Seminary gave a report on the status of the seminary. Dr. Holmes also spoke on “Teaching Others to Teach Others” from Mark 1. We collected an offering of $792 for the seminary. Our next meeting will be April 8 at the Church at Willow Beach in North Little Rock at 6:30 p.m.

     (April Meeting) - The Central Arkansas District Brotherhood met at the Church at Willow Beach in North Little Rock for their quarterly meeting. Jerry Hargraves gave a report on the State Galileans. He encouraged churches to start a program and send boys to camp this summer. BMA of Arkansas State Missionary Bryan Clay at Faith Journey in Benton gave a report on their new ministry. Taylor Bruce spoke on the upcoming VSM trip to the Philippines. His team hopes to reach young people with the gospel, Bible School and other activities.

     Our next meeting is scheduled for July 15 at North View in North Little Rock at 6:30 p.m.

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