BMATS Executive Committee Accepts Resignation of President
On Friday, Feb. 23, the BMA Seminary Board of Trustees accepted the resignation of Dr. Charley Holmes as president of the seminary. Dr. Holmes intends to remain affiliated with BMA Seminary as professor and development officer and will assist the new president in acclimating to the duties of the office.
Dr. Holmes has been a faithful servant of God and has done so much to ensure that BMA Seminary has a strong foundation of sound leadership, sound doctrine and sound finances. We are saddened to see him step down as president, but we are, at the same time, excited about what God has prepared for BMA Seminary in the future. Whomever the Lord desires to lead BMA Seminary, the goal of the seminary will be the same. Our commission since 1960, found in Jude 3, is to “earnestly contend for the faith.”
As for next steps, during the April 16 trustee meeting, the Board will elect a search committee to begin the process of selecting the sixth president of the Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary. Please be in prayer for those elected and for the process itself. We want to be certain that we honor the Lord by following His guidance.
Please join us in thanking Dr. Holmes for 25 years of devoted service. Encourage your churches and the individual members to make a gift in his honor to the Seminary Sunday Scholarship fund.
Respectfully submitted: Chairman Larry Geraldson, Vice Chairman Clif Johnson, Secretary Gary Murph and Assistant Secretary Elaine Beal.
Allan D Eakin
Baptist Trumpet Associate Editor, Allan Eakin, pens a column titled, Bottom of the Ninth, which includes various topics. The column title reflects his passion for baseball and where he sees the world standing on God’s end times timetable.
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