BPH Fall Ministry Report
By Jordan M. Tew, Executive Director
I am pleased to report that Baptist Publishing House (BPH) is thriving and continues to provide more helpful resources for the churches of the BMA. This year, we have seen more churches using BMA Sunday School curriculum than in years past, which is exciting. We have also been working hard to increase the number of resources for local churches.
Our Sunday School curriculum continues to be built on the Word of God and is helping people in local churches all over the BMA and beyond learn how to study their Bibles. I often say that what makes BMA Sunday School curriculum different is that it is not merely a devotional about the Bible. It is an in-depth study of the Bible. There is a difference!
We will continue to keep our curriculum focused on the Bible and helping believers know how to study it. Imagine how churches would thrive if all the members knew how to read and study the Word of God! That is why we are committed to providing a Sunday School curriculum that goes deeper than the typical curriculum. You could say we are intentionally different. Also, we will continue to support the Doctrinal Statement of the BMA of America in all that we do. We are, unapologetically, a BMA ministry.
This year, we have resurrected some older BMA books. The Joy of Bible Study by Dr. Joe Pendleton, Brief Studies in Christian Doctrines by Dr. J.E. Cobb and Here’s What We Believe by E. Harold Henderson are now available as downloadable E-Books.
Brief Studies in Christian Doctrines is being reprinted soon and will be available as a paperback book. This is, perhaps, the most thorough and complete theology book produced by the BMA.
DiscipleKidz, our new children’s curriculum, continues to be “a hit.” A few months ago, I received a report from a BMA church in Missouri stating that seven children made professions of faith in Jesus as their Lord and Savior through using this curriculum. Praise God! The first two books are available now and cover the Old Testament and the Gospels-Acts. Volume Three comes out in the spring and will cover Romans—Revelation.
Lord willing, 2025 will be a year of continued growth for your publishing ministry. We are planning to begin developing a new curriculum for student/youth ministries. We are exploring ways to make new ministry training options available to all BMA churches. That is particularly exciting, and I believe you will be pleased with what we are working on for you.
Thanks to all the churches that gave during our annual Day of Sharing. Because of these financial gifts, we are able to do a large printing run of DiscipleWay in Spanish and bring Brief Studies in Christian Doctrines back to print!
As the BMA’s publishing ministry, our job is to serve your church. Please let me know how I can serve you. If you have questions, would like some curriculum samples or would like me to visit your church, contact me at jordan@baptistpublishing.info. I am here for you. I want to be your friend and ministry partner. May God bless your church!
We have also recently updated our website. Check it out at baptistpublishinghouse.com.
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