BPH Spring Quarter: Spiritual Gifts, Tongues and Silent Women
By Jordan Tew, Executive Director • Baptist Publishing House
Did I get your attention with that title? Our summer Sunday School quarterly will provide an in-depth study of I Corinthians 12-14. This is an often-neglected passage in Sunday School and Bible study groups, as it can be very challenging to study.
While I Corinthians 13, the “Love Chapter,” is well known by many, chapters 12 and 14 are less familiar. Honestly, these chapters can be uncomfortable to study, as the apostle Paul wrote extensively on the issues of tongues, spiritual gifts, orderly worship and even advocates that women are to be silent in the church.
While we all tend to have strong views and opinions about such topics, allow me to ask this question, “When was the last time you and your church studied these chapters of God’s Word?”
Sadly, these topics are the source of much confusion and controversy among Christians today. False teachings about spiritual gifts, tongues and the roles of men and women within the local church run rampant online, in Christian bookstores and on television and radio. Our churches need to know what God says about these things in His Word, the Bible.
I encourage you to order this quarter of the Baptist Expositor for your church. Not only would it be good for Sunday mornings, but it would also be a great Wednesday night, Sunday evening or small group study for your church to use throughout the summer or even at a later time. Try something new this summer! Get it while you can, because once the summer is over, the books will be unavailable.
We have taken extra care concerning the writing of these lessons. This quarter was written by Dr. David Hellwig, who serves as professor of Greek and New Testament at BMA Seminary and Dr. Philip Attebery, who is the dean of BMA Seminary. Both men also serve in the pastoral ministry and are on the “front lines” of ministry each week. Therefore, the tone of this study is very practical and user-friendly.
To ensure the content of these lessons is helpful and consistent with BMA doctrine, we also consulted a panel of BMA pastors to review the lessons. I was pleased by their input and encouragement in this process.
The summer Sunday School quarter runs June through August. You can pre-order your copy of the study today, and orders will be shipped in May. You can also order the digital version today and receive it via e-mail today.
Pastors, I recommend that you purchase a copy for yourself to add to your library. The writing that has been done on these topics is “top notch,” and it would serve you well to keep this study on your bookshelf. Think of it as a little BMA Bible commentary on I Corinthians 12-14. I know it will be a blessing for you and your people!
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