BROTHERHOOD: National Brotherhood Meets
by Mark Jones, President
The BMA of America National Brotherhood met April 25 at Antioch Baptist Church in Conway. Officers this year are President Mark Jones, First Vice President Bryan Buckley, Second Vice President Van Widger, Third Vice President Dennis Baker, Secretary/Treasurer Scott Kirkland, Galilean Promoter Dan Williams and Assistant Galilean Promoter Maverick Hendricks. The project this year will be StoneRidge Baptist Camp in Smithville.
Scott Small, manager of StoneRidge Baptist Camp, gave testimony on the work at Stoneridge. Then he preached a message from John 3:16 and Rom. 5:8 and talked about falling in love with Christ and making Christ personal. Thanks to Bro. Scott for the message and the work he does at StoneRidge.
Dan Williams replaced Kenneth Colvert and is our new Galilean Promoter. If you have been involved with Galileans over the years, you know we owe a great deal to Bro. Kenneth for all he has done for the Galilean ministry. Thank you, Bro. Kenneth, and we will be praying for you.
National Galilean Camp will be held June 23–26 at StoneRidge Camp. Any church with young men is invited. Even if you do not have a Galilean program, you can come and see what Galileans are all about. If you are planning on coming, contact Dan Williams at or (501) 336-4586.
First Vice President Bryan Buckley has proposed the National Brotherhood having a Brotherhood Retreat soon. The retreat will be in Missouri, and will be a time of fellowship, prayer, hearing the Word preached, games and food. Dates will be announced. Anytime we can do things to make the men of the church stronger, we need to do it.
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