All The News|Associational Features
Why An Association Of Baptist Churches?
By Jeff Swart
The churches of the Baptist Missionary Association of America are often described as “independent” Baptist churches. By this nomenclature, we mean that every individual Baptist church is solely sufficient in and of itself. By the vote of the congregation, each local Baptist church may receive or reject members, call pastors, ordain deacons and do a whole host of other things without interference from a higher authority. Baptists believe the local church is the highest ...
Has Associational Vision Leaked?
By Allan Eakin, Associate Editor
In leadership circles, the mantra “vision leaks” is tossed around readily. But what does that mean? Bill Hybels suggests, in Axiom: Powerful Leadership Proverbs, that some leaders believe that if they present the vision of where the organization should be going — “fill people’s vision buckets all the way to the top one time” — that the vision will...