Finding the Knowledge of God
By Dr. Philip Attebery, President • BMA Seminary
I preached my first sermon soon after my junior year of high school. Several years later, toward the end of my junior year in college, I realized I needed to learn more about God’s Word and work. The idea of attending BMA Seminary came to mind.
Since my local church supported many BMA ministries, I was already aware of BMA Seminary. More than one president had visited our church and local association meetings. However, I went through a period of searching about whether I should attend seminary. One day, while I was grappling with what to do, the thought came to my mind, “I need some wisdom. What does the book of Proverbs say?”
Reading Proverbs 2:1-5 confirmed my decision to attend seminary. Solomon urged his son to receive his words, incline his ear toward gaining wisdom, apply his heart toward understanding, cry out for knowledge, lift his voice for understanding and seek understanding like he would seek a hidden treasure. When such actions are taken, “Then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God” (Prov. 2:5).
I wanted that knowledge, and Solomon’s words testified how one gains it! The actions in Proverbs 2:1-4 sound a lot like being in school. If I knew for certain that a treasure was buried in my backyard, unquestionably, I would search for it. Finding the knowledge of God is clearly available to those willing to listen and apply themselves by asking questions and seeking understanding.
I have never doubted that the Holy Spirit does not need an educated person to lead God’s people. However, the Spirit inspired the Proverbs and the instruction of II Tim. 2:15, which admonishes diligent study and rightly dividing the Word.
BMA Seminary’s conservative and biblically-based education is a great place to begin or continue your journey of finding the knowledge of God.
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