First Girls Discipleship Retreat Held in Gary, Texas
By Lane Flynt, Director • National Youth Auxiliary
The Girls Discipleship Camp, sponsored by National Girls Missionary Auxiliary (GMA), was held June 14-17 at Daniel Springs Encampment in Gary, Texas, and indications are that a wonderful time was had by all 184 people in attendance. This year, the retreat was open to all girls, not exclusive to GMA groups. The retreat, whose theme was “Clueless Without Christ,” provided numerous breakout sessions and other activities for the girls and ladies. Todd West served as camp pastor, and two professions of faith were reported during the event.
As of the end of retreat, approximately $14,000 had been raised for the 2022 project — 95% Missionary AJ: Unreached People Group Missions (UPG) and 5% GMA General Fund. The project for 2023-2024 will be the Pasley family in France, and the goal is $20,000.
Retreat next year will be June 11-14, and we have set a goal of 300 in attendance. Please make plans to attend this great event. For more information, visit
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