Girls Missionary Auxiliary (GMA) Update
By Charlotte Johnson, National WMA
I pray that your summer is going well at your houses! As I write this, we just wrapped up GMA camp. Those girls amaze me how they serve the Lord and are so talented and mature. I was privileged to install the officers and presented the GMA Coronation.
Changes were made for GMA camp next year. They are following the example of the national WMA by opening the camp to all girls of BMA churches.
There were 186 girls and counselors, and one profession of faith was announced.
The project raised over $10,000 for BMAA Missionary to Utah Gavin Roberts. He was the speaker for camp and his family was also able to attend. The new project is for a creative access nation missionary with the goal of $12,000.
These are things that were voted on and passed:
The name of the camp next year will be “Girls Discipleship Retreat”sponsored by the GMA. Dates are June 14-17, 2023.
We lowered the grade for officers to run from 10th to 9th grade because there are not enough girls willing to be an officer. (The older they get then they drop out of GMA.)
Theme — “Hello, I am?” (Col. 2:10)
Day 1 — Sinner (I Tim. 1:15)
Day 2 — Ambassador (II Cor. 5:20)
Day 3 — Conquer (Rom. 8:37)
Day 4 — Who is God? and Who you are? (Psalm 96)
Churches are encouraged to bring all girls from their churches that are third grade and up. You must have a counselor or sponsor for every five girls.
There will be disciple classes and breakout sessions on different topics. There will also continue breakout sessions for GMA girls and classes to introduce girls to the GMA program.
Sunbeams are also planning a retreat at that time on the other side of the camp. Sunbeams will have their own program and be separated from the GMA group.
Please begin to share information will your churches and leaders. This is a camp that your children can benefit from, so tell your youth workers in your churches. If you have questions, email me at
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