JOURNEY WITH JEFF: Importance of Family
I am so glad to be able to serve as the executive editor of the Baptist Trumpet to help get important information and inspiring news out to everyone. That being said, I am also really looking forward to some extended time with family over the next couple of weeks since we do not have issues of the Trumpet until after the New Year. As is the case for many of us, it is so easy for me to get busy and not really take the time to spend quality time with my family.
As we gather over the next few weeks for some family activities, there will be some missing. This will be the third Christmas without my dad. This is also the third Christmas without my Grandma Stacy. (We used to gather at her house every Christmas Eve for our extended family Christmas celebration.) There are still others that we have lost more recently.
The lesson I am reminded of is that we shouldn’t take these moments for granted. Take some time over this holiday season to be intentional with your time. Enjoy the moments. Say the things you need to say. Don’t miss your opportunity to just be with your family.
Maybe your situation is similar to mine — things are not what they used to be and there are people missing that were always part of your Christmas celebration. Of course, you still miss them and there is an empty spot at the table where they would have been, but we need to continue moving forward with intentionality as we share the love of Christ during this season and throughout the year.
Let me close by saying Merry Christmas to each of you and Happy New Year! It is because of you that we are able to continue this ministry to inform and inspire our readers.
Trumpet Team Progress
If you are interested in helping us by joining the Trumpet team, please visit for all the details, including a link to donate via our secure online portal. If you are looking for a tax-deductible gift for the end of the year, please consider helping us meet this need. We are looking for 90 churches and individuals to help us and we currently have 16 of those spots filled thanks to the following Trumpet Team members:
Name Gift Amount
Stuart Estes, Fayetteville $468
North View Baptist Church, North Little Rock $468
Ronald Morgan, Fate, Texas $468
Blake Martin, Hattieville $468
Bodcaw Baptist Church, Rosston $468
Michael & Donna Gray, Greenbrier $468
First Baptist Church, Caldwell $5,000
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