JUST THINKING: God's Unlimited Love
Dr. Tom Mitchell
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JUST THINKING: God's Unlimited Love

      I was just thinking about how much our great God loves us — mere human beings. There are no boundaries to His love that has reached from His throne in Heaven to our hearts. Men and women with vast vocabularies have struggled to adequately describe God’s unlimited love. Songwriters have given us beautiful songs with heart-touching and encouraging lyrics, yet they also fall short in describing the “agape” — unconditional and unlimited love — God demonstrated when He sent His Son Jesus to die on a cross in our place.

      Still, I will share some lyrics in this column that remind us that our Heavenly Father’s love is truly unlimited.

If That Isn’t Love

         One of the most often songs sung in churches and youth groups of the 70s, 80s and 90s posed the perspective that if the manner in which God loves us isn’t sufficient, we have no idea what love is.

      “He left the splendor of Heaven, knowing His destiny. Was the lonely hill of Golgotha, there to lay down his life for me. If that isn’t love, then the ocean is dry, there’s no stars in the sky and the little sparrows can’t fly. If that isn’t love, then Heaven’s a myth. There’s no feeling like this — if that isn’t love.”

      Who else but Jesus, God’s only Son, would do such a thing? His love is not just great; it is greater than any. “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:13 NIV).

God’s Love is a Boundless Love

         “There is not a mother, sister, friend or brother loves the way that Jesus can. He proved His love for me when He died on Calvary. He gave His life for fallen man. His love is a boundless love, and it reaches down and touches me. His love is an endless love that will last for all eternity.” Boundless and endless — two terms that, with human limitations, attempt to describe how far reaching the love of God is and how never-ending it really is. Child of God, you are blessed with the boundless love of your Heavenly Father.

God’s Love is Measureless and Strong

         A song written by Fredrick Lehman has been a favorite of mine — and millions of others. “The love of God is greater far than tongue or pen can ever tell; it goes beyond the highest star, and reaches to the lowest hell. The wandering child is reconciled by God's beloved Son. The aching soul again made whole, and priceless pardon won.

      “Could we with ink the ocean fill and were the skies of parchment made; were every stalk on earth a quill, and everyone a scribe by trade; to write the love of God above would drain the ocean dry; nor could the scroll contain the whole, though stretched from sky to sky.

      “O love of God, how rich are pure! How measureless and strong! It shall forevermore endure — the saint’s and angel’s song.”

Bask in God’s Unlimited Love

         The composers of the songs did so well, but still their descriptions fall short of adequately describing all the wonderful, soul-saving and life-changing love of God. Child of God, by faith, you have been saved — so by faith, bask in the light of God’s unlimited love.

Dr. Tom Mitchell

Dr. Tom MitchellDr. Tom Mitchell

Dr. Tom Mitchell pens a column titled, Just Thinking, in which he addresses many topics relative to the Baptist Missionary Association. His Trailblazers series provides biographies of many BMA trailblazers from the past.

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