JUST THINKING: Humbled Yet Honored
I was just thinking about this past Sunday at Chenal Valley Baptist Church. Our church staff and the wonderful members of the church hosted a marvelous time of celebration for me, along with my devoted wife, Karen marking my 60th Year in the gospel ministry. I am truly unworthy of such recognition. I am humbled but honored.
Please forgive me for taking this opportunity to reflect, but God has been so good to me. He has been faithful at every place in my life.
Reflecting on the Call
I had chosen my career while a high school senior in Ashdown. I would attend Southern State College (SSC, now Southern Arkansas University), get my physical education degree and coaching certification, and coach track and field. That was what I had planned.
But God had a different path planned. He used my pastor, Paul Bearfield, and his wife, Johnie, in a unique way. They asked me one day to take a trip to Conway for a meeting at Central Baptist College. Little did I know that it was a setup. They introduced me to Dean Wassell Burgess and reunited me with our former pastor, A. R. Reddin, president of CBC. Dean Burgess was convincing! He told me that if I could postpone my plans to go to SSC, they would build me a pole vault pit, and I could practice for a couple of years. Of course, there was no way I was going to do that. After all, I had my plans all laid out. (By the way, I am still waiting for the pole vault pit!)
I enrolled in Central Baptist College on Sept. 1, 1964. I found that it was such a good fit for an 18-year-old kid from a small town and a rather small high school. However, something had taken place at Southwest Baptist Encampment at Daniel Springs in July earlier that summer. During the invitation on Thursday evening, what seemed like a tugging at my heart was urging me to answer what I could hear inwardly but not audibly. The Holy Spirit was saying, “You are to preach God’s Word.”
I made no move that evening. In fact, I did all I could to put that evening out of my mind. That is until Bro. C. O. Strong preached an evening message that was embedded in my inner being.
That evening in the dorm room of my friends Jim Ford and Gene Elrod, I finally faced the issue of this matter of ministry. I submitted to the call to preach God’s Word.
Rejoicing Sixty Years Later
Last Sunday, I recalled that submission to the Holy Spirit. Going to Central Baptist College and giving my life to ministry were two of my greatest choices. I am grateful that for 46 of my 60 years, Karen has faithfully served at my side.
I was also reminded of the lyrics that say, “I’m so glad I’m a part of the family of God!” As the members of Chenal Valley, members from Central Baptist in Prescott, numerous friends who have touched our lives and many of our family gathered for brunch and worship, I realized just how good it is to be in the family of God.
Thank each of you who attended, those who sent cards (and gift cards) and those who called, emailed or texted. Thank you to those who had a part in the time of worship, and especially those who worked so hard to make my 60th Anniversary such a humbling and honoring occasion. Karen and I love each of you more than human words can ever express.
Dr. Tom Mitchell
Dr. Tom Mitchell pens a column titled, Just Thinking, in which he addresses many topics relative to the Baptist Missionary Association. His Trailblazers series provides biographies of many BMA trailblazers from the past.
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