JUST THINKING: Interceding with Purpose
I was just thinking about various reasons why Christians should pray. The New Testament has much to say about praying, petitioning, requesting and interceding as integral parts of our lives. However, some really have little idea what intercession is. Yet, it is one of the most requested aspects of prayer in our church gatherings.
The Prayer by the Apostle Paul
The apostle, in writing to the Church at Philippi, provided the information for this column. “And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more and knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ — to the glory and praise of God” (Phil. 1:9-11 NIV1984).
I want to emphasize that Paul was praying with purpose in every aspect of that prayer. I don’t want to criticize, but many today just ramble when they pray and often repeat familiar phrases. They do not pray with purpose. So, here is a look at how Paul prayed with reasoning and understanding. We need to adopt such an approach to praying for others.
Intercede for Increased Love, Knowledge and Insight
We all have church friends who are either new converts or seasoned believers who struggle to portray the characteristics of spiritual maturity. We should never be critical or judgmental of those who have not truly been discipled.
The word Paul used was agape, which is the love that is like God’s. New believers usually begin to adopt that kind of love, but Paul prays that such love should abound more and more. Love like God’s must never be stale or stalled.
The apostle then said he would pray that the believers should also abound in knowledge. He was not talking about knowledge received from a university. He was talking about knowledge gained from the study of God’s Word and the experience of being a day-by-day believer.
When we see a person trust Christ as Savior, follow the Lord in baptism and become a church member, we should immediately begin to pray for that individual in the manner Paul revealed.
Intercede for Discernment and Purity in Life
We live in a world of constant decision-making. Which college should be attended, what person should be sought for a spouse, what career path should be taken and what lifestyle should be presented before others are just a few important decisions. None should be chosen lightly.
Doing what is best is of tremendous importance. Bad choices result in bad conclusions. Every believer, whether a new convert or a seasoned believer, needs the intercession of others to help them live pure lives until Jesus comes again.
Intercede for Lives Filled with the Evidence of Righteousness
No Christians are exempt from possessing and sharing with others what Christ has done for them. Being made righteous by the gift of salvation is not something to be hidden, whether the individuals are introverts or extroverts. Some, though, need help exhibiting in their daily lives what Christ has done for them and what He continues to do.
Intercede with Purpose
Prayers of intercession are essential. That is why churches post prayer lists and why individuals request prayer preceding surgeries, following catastrophes such as tornadoes and hurricanes, and certainly when they have lost loved ones. Such requests should be heeded. Why? Because the persons desiring such intercession need Christian friends, relatives and fellow church members caring enough to pray for them. When you pray for them, intercede with purpose.
Dr. Tom Mitchell
Dr. Tom Mitchell pens a column titled, Just Thinking, in which he addresses many topics relative to the Baptist Missionary Association. His Trailblazers series provides biographies of many BMA trailblazers from the past.
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