National WMA Meeting
By Kelly Williams, Arkansas WMA President
The National WMA will meet on Wednesday, April 26 at Central Baptist College in the Cooper Complex, with registration beginning at 8:30 a.m. and the meeting starting at 9 a.m. The CBC singers will begin singing at 8:45 a.m., so you will want to get there early! We, as Arkansas WMA, will be the hostesses for the meeting and we would love to have many of you ladies there. We will announce the winner of the National Project Challenge at the meeting.
National WMA President Charlotte Johnson shares, besides having a great speaker during the morning session and wonderful speakers in the afternoon breakout sessions, we will have a special guest speaker during the luncheon. We cannot post her name due to her security. She is “working” in a closed access nation. You do not want to miss this!
One really important detail is that you need to register for lunch by April 1 in order for us to let CBC know how many will be eating. You need to contact National WMA Treasurer Janet Widger at, via text at (314) 566-7794 or Facebook Messenger at “Janet Widger.” If you are the wife of a pastor or missionary, your meal is free, but you must let Janet know you are coming! Please include your name and $15 for the meal. Make checks payable to WMA of BMAA and send to P.O. Box 23, Salem, Mo. 65560.
Please don’t delay. You will be so glad you came!
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