Pray for Laborers
By Dr. Philip Attebery, President • BMA Seminary
During some recent conversations with pastors, church members, seminary and Bible college administrators, all conceded that there appears to be a lack of young men surrendering to the ministry. It begs the question, “Why are so few young men surrendering to the ministry?” I doubt anyone can prove the specific cause. However, Jesus did provide His followers with clear instruction on what to do.
Several years ago, I noticed that Luke’s Gospel recorded three events in which someone begged Jesus for help:
• Luke 5:12 records that a man with leprosy “besought” Jesus for healing.
• Luke 8:28 records that the devils or demons within the man of the Gadarenes begged Jesus not to torment the man. In Luke 8:31, the demons “besought” Jesus not to cast them into the deep.
• In Luke 9:38-39, a father approached Jesus and begged the Lord to heal his only son from horrible seizure-like symptoms.
Jesus responded positively to each request. Imagine the intensity with which each person or demon “besought” the Lord. Many people get very serious about their prayers when they realize they have a terminal disease. Many will likely one day beg the Lord when they realize that He has the authority and power to cast them into eternal torment. And most of us have seriously begged the Lord for help when a loved one is in great need.
I am certain that Jesus intends for His followers to beg the Father for laborers with the same intensity as those described throughout Luke’s Gospel. The fields are white and ready for harvest. In other words, there are plenty of lost people ready to be saved. The problem is a lack of workers for the field. Although pastors are not the only ones Christ expects to work the fields, we do need more pastors. In Luke 10:2, Jesus urged His followers to “pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.” The Greek word translated “pray” in Luke 10:2 is the same word translated “besought” or “beseech” in the other accounts discussed above.
The BMA’s educational institutions need more students. We need more ministerial students. Please obey the Lord’s command and beg Him for workers with the same intensity that a diseased man begs for healing, that demons will beg Him for mercy and that a father begs for the healing of his son. Consider encouraging new laborers to attend BMA Seminary when the Lord answers your prayers.
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