Recommendations for BMAA Meeting
The following recommendations — which will be considered at this year’s BMAA meeting on April 18-20 in Springfield, Mo. — are listed below in the order they are included in the 2022 Annual Reports and Recommendations Booklet, Preach the Word: 2022 BMA National Meeting. A copy of the entire booklet, including reports from the various directors, budges, etc. can be found at
Executive Editor’s Note: The Coordinating Council report to the Churches of the BMA of America along with their recommendations and the proposed changes to the BMAA Statement of Principles of Cooperation were printed in the March 9 issue.
• That the Fiscal 2023 proposed budget be approved.
• That Dr. Steve Crawley stand as nominee as executive director of the BMA Foundation.
• That the executive director’s annual salary be maintained at $7,200.
• That individuals within the BMA churches prayerfully consider including the BMA Foundation in their estate plans. An undesignated bequest will benefit all BMA of America departments or individuals may designate their bequests as desired.
Resolution #1 — Reaffirmation of God’s Plan for Marriage: One man and one woman
Whereas the ongoing battle is to dissolve the institution of holy marriage, and
Whereas the media, liberal press, social progressives and liberal churches seek to diminish the importance of true marriage, and
Whereas Christians affirm God’s plan for marriage and sexual intimacy as one man and one woman legally married for life; and
Whereas any other relationship that involves sexual intimacy is considered outside the bounds of God’s law;
Be it therefore resolved that we promote Godly marriages and urge the churches and messengers of the BMA of America meeting in Springfield, Mo., April 2022, to recognize the importance of the institution of marriage.
Resolution #2 — Resolution to Stand for the longevity of Life and against Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide
Whereas believers in Christ do not believe in the elective death approach to the end of life by euthanasia and physician assisted suicide; and
Whereas elective death as a health care option is perceived as a source of ruin to the sanctity of human life; and
Whereas the Bible prohibits any decision or procedure which is be construed as elective death;
Therefore be it resolved that the messengers and churches of the BMA of America meeting in Springfield, Mo., April 2022, resolve to stand for the longevity of life and against the so-called elective death promotion by men.
Resolution #3 — Resolution to stand firmly against Homosexuality in a Christian Spirit
Whereas Christians can and should minister to homosexuals and lesbians in a kind biblical manner; and
Whereas God can minister to all individuals;
Whereas our pulpits and lecterns can proclaim the destruction of the Gay Rights movement in America;
Therefore be it resolved that we strongly urge the BMA of America messengers meeting in Springfield, Mo., April 2022 to continue to take a Biblical stand against homosexuality in a Christian Spirt
Resolution #4 — Recognize the need to elect Godly leaders in America
Whereas elected leaders are always anxious to appear to be strong supports of God and His churches; and
Whereas some corrupt elected leaders try to use religion for their own agenda; and
Whereas the types of elected leaders are guilty of selling faith for power;
Be it therefore resolved that we born again believers in Christ work to elect good and godly men and women who share our Biblical values and who support morality; and
Be it therefore resolved that we urge these elected leaders to care for the public trust; and
Be it therefore further resolved that the messengers meeting in Springfield, Mo., April 2022, work diligently to elect good and godly men and women to public offices in the United States.
Resolution #5 — Reaffirmation of the United States government to support and help protect the Jewish nation of Israel, God’s own people
Whereas we believe Jehovah God attested to both the existence and the continuing existence of the Jewish people and by the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ; and
Whereas we pray for peace in the Middle East; and
Whereas we Christians believe that Israel has a divine right to the land given to Abraham;
Therefore be it further resolved that the messengers and the churches of the BMA of America, meeting in Springfield, Mo., April 2022, urge the United States government to maintain and recognize Israel and her right to exist as God’s people.
• That we adopt the proposed operating budget for Fiscal 2023.
• That $6,000 of the executive director’s salary be designated as a housing allowance.
• That we recognize Ron Ledford, David Watkins and Ed Ridge for their service to the Ministers Resource Services board.
• That Steve Crawley stand as a nominee for executive director.
• We recommend that we adopt the proposed operating budget for fiscal 2022.
• We recommend that the executive director be paid a salary of $52,000. Benefits include one half of Social Security, $250 per month in a health savings account, retirement at 6% of salary and travel reimbursement.
• We recommend that $8,000 of the executive director’s salary be designated as a housing allowance.
• We recommend that a rising vote of appreciation be given to Justin Cameron and Jeremy Franklin for completing their term of service.
• We recommend that a rising vote of appreciation be given to Dr. Charley Holmes for his selfless and faithful service to the Baptist Publishing House over the past three years.
• We recommend that Jordan Tew stand as a nominee for executive director.
• Recommend the adoption of the 2022 – 2023 Daniel Springs Camp Budget.
• Recommend that Jason Prewitt stand as a nominee for the position of executive director of the Department of Camp Ministries.
• Recommend that the executive director be paid a base salary of $50,160.00, one half of Social Security / Medicare, health, dental, life insurance and retirement at 6% of salary.
• Recommend and encourage that churches participate in the Camp Sunday emphasis on June 5, 2022.
• Affirmation of the proposed budget
• Re-affirm the appointment of Dr. Charley Holmes as president
• Each church observe Sunday, May 15, 2022, as Scholarship Sunday with special prayer for our graduates and receive a special scholarship offering to support the training of future BMA ministers and missionaries on that Sunday.
The Lifeword Board of Directors offer the following recommendations to the messengers attending the 2022 BMA Annual Association meeting.
• We recommend that the proposed operating budget for fiscal 2023 be adopted.
• We recommend that Oct. 23, 2022 be designated as Lifeword Sunday across the BMA.
• We recommend that every BMA church be encouraged to support Lifeword on a monthly basis as part of their Great Commission strategy.
• We recommend that the housing allowance for Lifeword executive director, director of Digital Broadcasting and director of Finance be set at $30,000/year and for the director of Operations at $24,000/year for this year and beyond until amended.
• We recommend that Donny Parrish stand as the nominee as Lifeword executive director.
• We recommend helping the Garifuna congregation, led by Pastor Cherry Gamboa, in New York with their monthly building rent.
• We recommend the election of Dalton and Audrey Tew as missionaries to Nepal.
• We recommend that Amanda Hall be approved to raise funds as she works toward training and the mission field.
• Dr. John David Smith stands as the nominee for executive director/president of BMA Global Missions.
Jeff Herring
Baptist Trumpet Executive Editor Jeff Herring writes a regular column titled, Journey with Jeff, that talks about the ministry of the Baptist Trumpet. He also compiles a column titled, Trumpet Notes, which includes articles about various topics relevant to today’s Christian
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