Southwest District GMA Meets
By Ana Wilson, Recording and Corresponding Secretary
The Southwest District GMA met for their final meeting of the year at First Baptist Church in Waldo on Oct. 14. The yearly theme of “X Marks the Spot” concluded with “X=Heaven.”
President Lilli Medlin directed the meeting and business. Brooke Hanson gave the morning devotional, “The Unchanging God,” from James 1:2-8. The morning object lesson, “The Pumpkin Gospel,” was presented by Laurie Hicks and Tara Almond.
The election of next year’s officers was as follows: President Lilli Medlin, First Vice President Brooke Hanson, Second Vice President Maddie Medlin, Recording and Corresponding Secretary Madison Miller, Historian Averie Allen, Song Leader Abbie Burchfield, Goal Chairman Dixie Almond and Attendance Chairman Kati Williams.
Arkansas WMA President Kelly Williams presented the program “Your Treasure” from Matt. 13:44 as she challenged and installed the new officers.
Next year’s Southwest District Project will be the Israel Relief Fund.
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