There has been much to share since my last update! I have been preparing to move to Central Asia. Even though I am six months out, there is much to do! Thank the Father with me for all the wonderful opportunities He has given me.
I have started learning the national language of the country I will move to. I thank the Father for putting a friend in my path this semester. She speaks multiple languages fluently. We have been meeting twice a week. She prepares great lessons, and we supplement them with the language learning program I learned in my training. I have learned so much from her already, but I am truly realizing the difficulty of this language! Please lift up language learning for me and my teammates, as we know only the Father can sustain us through this process.
I also teach English and work a few days a week doing speech-language therapy. It will be helpful to practice these skills for potential creative access to job opportunities in the future. These opportunities also graciously fell into my path, thanks to the Father.
In November, I had the chance to visit my friends I made during training last year. I also brought a friend who is involved with the college ministry efforts in Conway to the open house days for the training program. After that, I spent an additional week there with my amazing friends! Oh, how I missed them!
Recently, I joined my roommate from training in for the St. Jude marathon weekend. I participated in the 5k with her family as she ran the full marathon — her very first one! It was such a fun experience. It also had me thinking about the many times in the Word that running a race, endurance, strength, etc., is mentioned.
Thinking about all the training, the joy when the runners crossed the finish line and the difficulties involved in running a race caused me to reflect on Heb. 12:1-2: “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.”
As my team and I set out on a similar course to run the race of language learning, relationship building, sharing the Word, instructing new brothers and sisters, and much more, it will require much endurance. May we be able to run this race set before us by looking to Him. Him and Him only!
Praise the Father that I am about 61% funded! I am excited to continue the support team building process. Please lift this up to the Father as I finish building the last 40% before I leave in June 2025!
If you or your church are interested in supporting me on this journey, please contact me at You can give online at and choose “AJ” to designate to my funding goal.
Join me in thanking the Father for all the opportunities he has given me to prepare for Central Asia, asking for discipline in these preparation efforts and for the Father to sustain me in the process of support team building.
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