SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Doug & Diane Lee • The Philippines
September, October, and November have found us very busy. Our Board of Trustees approved our online classes. These classes are available for anyone who is interested in increasing their studies. We are excited about what God is doing at the college. This past year we had more than 700 souls saved through the internship program from our students work all over Negros Occidentals and adjacent islands. It is exciting to watch God work in the lives of our students.
• Baptism in the Ocean — We were blessed to attend the baptism and celebration of eight new converts at the San Carlos Mission, led by Pastor Sander and Pastor Romeo. This is a mission from EB Magalona Kharis Baptist Church. Seven teenagers and one elderly lady followed the Lord in baptism.
• Online Classes in Kenya — God is working, and the Bible College has extended our outreach beyond our borders. A group of pastors in Kenya shared with us the need for an online Theology class. After much preparation to set up a studio, we began classes with Old Testament Survey taught by Dr. Edna Oli. There are 16 in her class in Kenya, and they are excited about this opportunity. To God be the glory! Thanks to all the folks behind the scenes who worked hard to make it a reality. Plans are to have other classes available soon.
• Typhoon Season in the Philippines — In September, the weather forecast was one typhoon followed by another or two on top of each other. Five typhoons hit the islands in one month. This caused mudslides and flooding, making it troublesome and problematic for everyone. We received three weeks of continuous wind and rain on the island where we live. Our students, staff, and faculty navigated through it all and stayed safe. One of the children here made the remark, “Papa, Look! The palm trees are waving at Jesus.” God is in the storms, and we thank Him for His protection. If a child can see God in the storm, how much more should we do the same?
• Life Skills Seminar — Chapel time the third week of each month is devoted to teaching our students life skills. Last month, we had the opportunity to teach our students how to direct congregational singing. This was fun for them and us, and they are capable of leading songs in their worship services, outreach and youth groups. This month, they will learn about managing finances and the importance of a budget.
• Remodeled and Expanded the Kitchen and Dining Area — Because of the increase in our enrollment this school year, our kitchen and dining room were too small. Students were getting their food and going into the auditorium to eat because of the lack of space, tables and chairs. Also, the kitchen needed changes to make food preparation easier, healthier and sanitary. South Park Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas, sent the funds for us to expand, update and make it inviting and comfortable for the students. Thank you, South Park, for your help on this project and several other needs you saw firsthand when you came to visit. You are loved and appreciated!
• Teacher’s Day and Student Celebration — The students honored the faculty with songs, poems, mementos and flowers on Teacher’s Day. The faculty treated the students to a pizza party! It took a lot of pizza to feed 97 students and 17 staff and faculty and they loved it!
• Student Scholarships — Words cannot express how thankful we are for those who sponsor a student scholarship at the BMA Bible College. Our students have requirements and responsibilities to receive this privilege. In addition to their daily chores at school, they must sign an agreement to maintain an average of no lower than 85 in all their subjects. They study hard to be worthy of the trust you have given them. If anyone is interested in sponsoring a student, we have a few more who qualify, and your help would be appreciated. The cost is $100 a month, which covers their tuition, food, dorm stay and medical expenses. Contact us at (Doug), (Diane) or via Facebook Messenger (Elwin Doug Diane Lee). You will be blessed!
• Missionaries to Cambodia — Pastor David Perez and Pastor Juren Mamon, two BMA Bible College graduates, were elected as international missionaries to Cambodia at the BMA of the Philippines (BMAP) midyear meeting. This is a partnership between the BMAP and BMA Global. The first of many to follow. Pray for them as they are processing the necessary paperwork.
• Darlene Carey Christian Academy (DCCA) — Training young minds in the Word of God through and education program is the main goal of the DCCA. Your prayers and financial support for this worthwhile program are greatly appreciated.
Merry Christmas
Being separated by 12,000 miles, our hearts are there with you. Thanks to all our faithful supporters this past year. You have made this a most productive year with the expansion of our online classes to Africa and other parts of the world and a record-breaking enrollment. Your support has enabled us to achieve the ministry God has set before us. Pray for us as we continue to grow.
BT Staff
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