STAND FIRM: Lessons from Past Presidential Elections
What a week this will be! I believe many of you, like me, see that the future of America and various global issues are at stake in this presidential election. I cringe at the thought of what might happen after the election. What kind of controversies will arise? What might go wrong? It’s hard to envision a civil election this week. While I think much is riding on this election, I have mostly refrained from discussing it in my writing. It feels strange because my writing “career” has been closely tied to politics, particularly presidential elections.
I have always felt a "call" to write, but didn’t follow through. In 2014, I finally committed to it. I assembled a team to hold me accountable as I began writing a book, which became Spiritual Prepper, published in 2017. Working on the book led me to attend a writers’ conference in 2015. Although I hadn’t published anything yet, I returned from that conference with three regular writing gigs. Two were political, and the most significant was a regular column with WND (formerly WorldNetDaily) News. At that time, it was one of the major conservative news sites leading the fight against the Obama administration. From the start, I was able to write for a site that received 8 million unique hits a month alongside Pat Buchanan, Ben Carson, Ann Coulter, Chuck Norris, David Limbaugh and many other notable figures. My column aimed to connect political news with Biblical prophecy. It was an incredible opportunity, but I had to walk away from it after the 2020 presidential election. I will explain why when I share lesson number two.
I learned this first lesson when I published my book, Spiritual Prepper. In April 2016, I signed a contract with WND Books, which had the most New York Times Bestsellers per release at the time. They dominated the conservative political and Bible prophecy markets. Not only did they sign the contract for my first book, but they also discussed planning a significant book release each year for the foreseeable future. They managed everything and booked me on over 40 shows to promote the book.
In early spring 2016, I had my first meeting with the marketing team. During the meeting, they asked me what I thought might happen to book sales if Donald Trump were elected. I shrugged and replied that I didn’t know why that would matter. However, it actually did matter. It mattered a lot.
From 2014 to 2016, I spoke for Stand Firm Ministries (formerly known as Prophecy Simplified) at every available opportunity. I became a full-time speaker in 2016, and during that first year, I participated in a revival or seminar every Sunday, except for Easter and the Super Bowl. In these events, I discussed the importance of standing firm in a changing cultural landscape and the need to fight against the loss of religious liberty. However, I was turning down writing opportunities. Then, “boom,” Trump was elected. After that, the calls to preach slowed dramatically, and concerns about religious liberties and the need to remain vigilant in our culture diminished because Trump was in office. WND Books shut down a few months after Trump took office, and the news website followed suit shortly after. Interest in conservative political information waned as people focused on their man being in power.
I was blown away by how many Christians who had been engulfed in a “culture war” so quickly dropped their fight (even though I believe disciple-making is the number one way we change culture). One lesson I learned from the 2016 presidential election was that we shouldn’t drop our guard even if “our man or woman” wins the election. “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (I Peter 5:8 NIV).
Though the news website I was writing for closed soon after the election, I had quit writing the week Donald Trump was elected. I had voted for him, so it wasn’t because of that, but they were pushing the narrative that God had intervened and changed the election in favor of Trump during the night. I believe God is in control, but I wasn’t at peace with saying, “Trump is God’s man, and he is the new King Cyrus.” That didn’t sit well with me. Since I wouldn’t write that, I had to walk away. I felt “in tune” with where things were headed prophetically, but I didn’t know what to do with Trump’s election. By the end of that term, I felt that, at the very least, Trump’s time in office was a reprieve in the fight for biblical values and religious liberty in America. Through those circumstances, another lesson I learned from the 2016 Presidential Election is that we must be careful when stating God’s plans through an election. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord” (Isa. 55:8).
One last lesson I’ve learned from my short writing career regarding presidential elections comes from the 2020 election. This lesson has repeatedly appeared. From the 2020 presidential election, I realized that we must not let the current situation distract us from the long-term goal of encouraging Christians to stand firm in our culture.
I have learned valuable lessons from the last two elections, and I will continue learning more this week and in the next couple of months. During this season, let’s continue to stand firm and encourage our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to do the same.
Jake McCandless
Jake McCandless authors a weekly column titled, Stand Firm and Live Epic, through which he seeks to encourage the modern church to not just survive, but thrive in current times. He also addresses many end-times topics.
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