STAND FIRM: Netanyahu’s Speech to the UN - The Narrative of Scripture Continues Today
Most Christians would agree that the storyline of the Bible continues today, but the storyline in mind would likely be just a sliver of the narrative in Scripture. Believers today would agree that the work of salvation that was made possible through the incarnation, death and resurrection of Jesus continues to spread — the kingdom continues to grow. Most would also agree that the church continues to carry out the Great Commission first given to the disciples. Maybe there’d also be a mention of the continuation of the Bible in the return of Jesus, but that’s only a sliver of the continuation of Scripture. Not just parts of the New Testament continue today, but God’s whole counsel continues.
The story of the end of the age isn’t merely that there would be a rapture of the church and the return of Jesus with the saved. Again, those things are true, but God’s continued plan for Israel is the consistent story told throughout Scripture and woven into all Bible prophecy. As Gentiles (non-Jews) who have come into God’s family through Christ, we are part of that continuing storyline.
God’s continued plan for Israel lays out Israel being scattered around the globe and then returning. On returning, they’d eventually achieve peace and become unwalled and ungated cities. Then, following battles between Middle Eastern coalitions, a northern coalition would persuade armies of the world to turn against Israel. Since Israel would have chosen to bring about peace through what the prophets warned them not to do, calamity would come. Israel will choose their own strength and treaties with other nations over submission to God. When the calamity does come through that terror, Israel would completely turn back to God and His Son.
At the end of the age, with so many nations and therefore people (Gentiles) turning against Israel, there will be a judgment on those nations (Joel 3:1-3; Matt. 25:31-46).
The Lord gives a red line for us not to cross — going against Israel. You can see that we’re midway into the final acts of Israel’s redemption. That makes Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to the United Nations incredible. I hope you caught it. If not, you should look it up.
First of all, we didn’t need the events at the United Nations to show how many in the world are against Israel, but as the Prime Minister was introduced, many delegates walked out of the General Assembly. Antisemitism is far higher now than it was before World War II. Along those lines, have you heard the speeches of Hitler are now trending on TikTok?
Nations are lining up in the Valley of Jehoshaphat, and they’re choosing the side of the unrighteous goats. They’re lining up against Israel.
In the speech I got chills with the phrases that spoke as a continuation of Scripture. Here are some of those quotes: “Ladies and gentlemen, King Solomon, who reigned in our eternal capital, Jerusalem, 3,000 years ago, proclaimed something that is familiar to all of you. He said, ‘There is nothing new under the sun.’
I know it is true, but to hear someone speak in the modern world and tie in a direct link to a continuation of Scripture is incredible. The next phrase was the main theme of his speech: “When I spoke here last year, I said we face the same timeless choice that Moses put before the people of Israel thousands of years ago as we were about to enter the Promised Land. Moses told us that our actions would determine whether we bequeath to future generations a blessing or a curse. And that is the choice we face today — the curse of Iran’s unremitting aggression or the blessing of historic reconciliation between Arab and Jew. In the days that followed that speech, the blessing I spoke of came into sharper focus.”
I believe the Abraham Accords, which includes this agreement with Saudi Arabia, points to the prophetic Middle Eastern coalitions in Daniel 11. What stood out to me was that Netanyahu went back to the very calling of Abraham in Genesis 12 with the concept that blessings could come against Israel, but those against her would be cursed. That is continued through the patriarchs, Moses, Joshua and the prophets.
Though I believe the political reality of the blessing and curse the Prime Minister was saying, he missed what brings the blessing. It’s not the might of Israel’s army or the strength of its allies but God. I wish God had been credited with how Israel would survive and strive. Yet, even that blunder continues the storyline of Scripture in the hardened heart of Israel. Though their hearts are hard toward Jesus as the Messiah, we shouldn’t side against them.
We are living in significant times. We have to open our eyes. There’s a red line, and that red line is being revealed. Friends of mine like to say, “Right now, our attitude and action in regard to Israel reveals what we would have done during the Holocaust.” I agree, and to take it a step further, it says what we would be doing at the end of the age.
— Jake is a state missionary and would love to share about the work in Northwest Arkansas and encourage your church to stand firm. (
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