STATE MISSIONS: Counting My Blessings
Paul White

STATE MISSIONS: Counting My Blessings

      What a wonderful week I have had. Beginning Wednesday, Vicki and I headed to Jasper to a cabin with a great view to celebrate our 55th anniversary — time flies when you are having fun! After a few days of enjoying the Ozark Mountains, we went to Nashville to attend the Howard County Association meeting at Immanuel Baptist Church on Saturday.

      What a special honor to be asked to bring the morning message.

      Sunday morning, I was invited to Missionary Grove Baptist Church in Prescott to share with them the work of the local and state associations. I appreciate their interest in learning more about how a church can benefit from being part of a group of like-minded believers. “Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety” (Prov. 11:14).

Calling all Churches of the BMA of Arkansas

      Our state meeting is just around the corner — Nov. 7-8 — and I look forward to seeing everyone. For the sake of your church family, please send messengers to join the others in contemplating the most significant business on earth — God’s business. Be sure to drop by our display table. Donna will be disappointed if you don’t.

Food for Thought

      I want to encourage each of our churches to make attending our associational meetings — local, state and national — a part of the DNA of their activities. I encourage newly organizing mission churches to start by making it a requirement of their leadership team to attend if possible, or if they cannot participate, that they see that someone goes in their place. Remember this: no matter the size of your congregation, each church has equal representation. There are no big I’s and little u’s in our association. Your church has three votes. I encourage you to use them.

From Our Missionaries

         Misión Creciendo en Cristo (Growing in Christ), North Little Rock: Juan Carlos Posadas writes, “Thank God Sayra is much better from her back pain. I have also improved greatly from the cold I had. We both have a medical checkup on Monday.

      “Friday after the prayer meeting, we had a farewell gathering for a family that will move to live in Utah — Jesus and Elibeth, and their daughters, Hilary and Valentina, all originally from Venezuela. Jesus had a good job opportunity and decided to move. We will miss them very much; they are a family established in faith with much potential to serve the Lord. Let us pray for a good church where they can congregate.

      Sunday, the church celebrated Pastor’s Day. My heart and that of my family were highly stimulated. We had a dramatization. Julieth, 7 years old, had a special song. Her father, Oscar Gomez, preached based on Psalm 23. The church prayed for me. We had lunch. Each family expressed love, and we ate delicious desserts.

      “I thank God for the church and its manifestations of love and gratitude for the spiritual care that is given to them.”

      Ebenezer, West Little Rock: Ruben Isturiz writes, “Thank God, my health is improving. Last week, I went to the doctor to get a prescription for medicine. I am still not 100%, but I am getting better. Keep praying for my health.

      “Sunday was an inspiring service, though our attendance was down a little. Pray for those who are broken in health. Since last week, we are including prayer for the nations. Last week, we prayed for Cuba, a country where the church is persecuted, and on Sunday, we prayed for Slovenia. We want to activate Ebenezer in world missions.

      “The Awakening workshop by Novo ( is going well. The participants are pastors and leaders from Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela. Next Thursday will be our last lesson. The workshop on masculinity we are giving to seven men from Ebenezer has been inspiring. We only have two lessons left and are happy with the results of our Saturday meeting.

      “Many things are happening in Ebenezer. Last Saturday, the sisters went to some conferences offered by the sisters of Iglesia Bautista El Faro. Pray for those we are having contact with during the week. There is a young man named Santiago coming to Ebenezer. Pray for our home groups and the events we are planning for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Thank you for your support, and God be with you. To God be the glory!”

         Faith Chapel, Flippin: Johnny Shew writes, “We had another great week at Faith Chapel, with a good number and a great time of worship. We still have some out for various illnesses and traveling — it is that time of year. The weather has been extremely dry but beautiful, and the fall colors and temps are really great this year. The beauty of God’s creation is amazing!

      We had some progress on the new building last week. The floor guys came back and did the final polish — it looks great! The plumbers came back and went as far as they could until the countertops are installed. The Top Shop called to say our material came in, and they are working on them. Hopefully, they will be installed this week. We will be working on the sound booth and sound system this week and trying to finish up the trim. We are planning on digging up the parking lot Saturday to put in storm drain piping to get rid of the gutter water, then smooth it all back out to get it ready for parking. We are having a workday on Saturday to try and finish up a lot of the odds and ends, as well as give it all a good cleaning. If you would like to come by for that, you are welcome to help, or you can just come and look at what the Lord has done here in Flippin. We won’t make you work. We are getting so close now to moving in, and we are so excited!

      “And once again, we thank you all for your prayers and support. We do not take it for granted, and we hope to be able to do the same for other missions someday. We thank God for you. In Christ’s Love.”

         Faith Journey, Benton: Bryan Clay writes, “Faith Journey is starting the location search process again. Unfortunately, the property purchase we were planning did not work out for the mission at this time due to circumstances the mission had no control over. The property would not have been free and clear to be used for a church where it was located due to restrictions on the property.

We are not discouraged about the setback and are optimistic that the Lord knows the property He has for us, and it is His timing we seek as we move forward. We know where God guides, He will provide.

      “A few families were out of town this week, but we still had a great service. We talked about sins that we may or may not even be aware that we commit. We must stay focused on studying the Word of God and living a righteous lifestyle to help control our thoughts and actions in a way that will allow the Lord to be glorified. “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer” (Psalm 19:14).”

         Misión Gracia Soberana (Sovereign Grace), NWA:Roberto Marcelletti writes, “We started the week with our small group in Springdale, but not with all the brethren — some were sick, and others were on vacation. Some new ones came to us, and we were able to talk about what our church is all about, what our vision is, and the purposes we have.

      “Friday was movie night, and we had an attendance of 20 people. Because most Hispanic people come from Catholicism, we showed Martin Luther’s movie. In the end, it created a lot of questions since Catholics believe the Bible is the Word of God and Christ is the Savior. The authority of the church is in the Bible, the traditions and the priesthood. The film helped us to explain through the Bible the great differences between Catholicism and the biblical gospel.

      “Saturday, in our congregational devotional, we had a beautiful time of intercession for several brothers and sisters who are living through difficult times.

      “On Sunday, our very happy children in their Sunday School watched a movie, and in our service, we were praying for the country and the next elections.”

         Epic Life, Pea Ridge: Jake McCandless writes, “Last week, I shared how we’ve had a family medical issue for the past two weeks on the day we were hosting the Connection Group at our home. Well, this week, Amanda had an MRI. It was 1:30 p.m., so there should have been plenty of time to get home and ready for everyone to come over.

Somehow, after checking in, the front desk never checked her in. So, making it back at 5 p.m. for a 6 p.m. Connection Group wasn’t easy! I hope all these trials to make it happen means we’re doing the right thing.

      Our Garfield Connection Group had a powerful time together. I can’t tell you how important it is to be able to share your struggles and hangups with a Connection Group. We can’t continue growing in Christ without such a support group. I’ve mentioned it before, but we spent four days with another coach family this week just doing life. I believe it’s important that the lines between church and everyday life become blurred with our relationships and discipleship.”

Paul White

Paul WhitePaul White

Arkansas State Missions Director Paul White pens a weekly column to inform the BMA of Arkansas concerning Arkansas Missions’ activity and includes individual reports from each church planter.

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