Jake McCandless


By Jake McCandless, Missionary • Epic Life, Pea Ridge

      “Best you,” “desperate prayer,” “genuine relationships,” “it’s a journey,” “true transformation,” “non-extraction evangelism,” and “multigenerational ministry” are phrases we throw around in Epic Life, especially with our coaches. They’re part of what we’re trying to do with our mission in Pea Ridge. The goal isn’t to do something different for the sake of being different. but to ensure that in building this church, we establish a foundation rooted in mission and discipleship in every aspect of our work. Initially, this approach is slower than a traditional approach, but the hope is that it will create a healthy, long-lasting foundation that will one day produce accelerated growth. The verdict is out if that will happen, but occasionally, we get glimpses of what that can look like. I’m so thankful for these glimpses. They keep us going.

      We had our third annual bonfire and hayride at the end of October. The bonfire couldn’t be real because of a burn ban, but it was an incredible time. At the event, we had glimpses of what Epic Life could be. We also saw those phrases mentioned earlier come to fruition.

      The first three phrases — “best you,” “desperate prayer,” and “genuine relationships” — laid the groundwork for the transformative moment we witnessed. At the annual BMA of the Ozarks and BMA of Arkansas annual meetings, I shared how proud I was of seeing our coaches take the initiative in ministry. (We call our leaders coaches. As coaches, they are small group leaders committed to evangelism and discipleship in their neighborhoods or networks of friends.) One story I shared was about how one of our coaching couples ran into some old friends while we were with them. Those friends had recently received bad news. The coaching couple then prayed for their friends right there on the sidewalk of a shopping center. I was there, but they didn’t ask their pastor to pray. Instead, they took the initiative. I loved it! That coaching couple has been practicing what we discuss about being the “best you.” When you live that way, it attracts people to what you have. That couple became overwhelmingly burdened for their friends and began “desperate prayer” for them. Even though the friends didn’t come to their Connection Group, they continued to reach out to them as genuine friends regardless of whether they ever attended their Bible Study.

      Two months later, after continually praying and being genuine friends, that couple who was prayed for on the sidewalk came to that coach couples’ Connection Group and loved it. They hadn’t been in church in years. Fast forward another month, and those friends who were prayed for on the sidewalk came to the hayride. Not only did they attend, but they brought their adult children and grandchildren. It was beautiful. It just shows how our own discipleship is a journey, and so is that of the ones we come alongside.

      I look forward to how the journey continues and the transformation that lies ahead. Please pray for our committed coach households at Epic Life: Chadwell, King, Leatherwood, McCandless, Petrocelli, Sailors and Simon. Pray for the prospective coach households: Stewart and Wright.

      I’d love to hear from you. If you are praying for our coaches, contact me at

Jake McCandless

Jake McCandlessJake McCandless

Jake McCandless authors a weekly column titled, Stand Firm and Live Epic, through which he seeks to encourage the modern church to not just survive, but thrive in current times. He also addresses many end-times topics.

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