STUDENT MINISTRY: For The Next Generation
There is significant concern about what will happen next in our churches and society as Boomers age and younger generations begin to assume their roles as decision-makers. Many Generation Z students leave the church never to return. We have seen this trend with Generation X and Millennials as well. Unfortunately, many parents have not taken the initiative in this area and have allowed other distractions to interfere with church involvement. It has been said, “Parents who treat the church as optional shouldn’t be surprised when their children treat Jesus as unnecessary.” That is a difficult statement, but one we must confront. If we’re not careful, there will be empty churches across our countryside in the years to come.
So, what do we do? How do we address this growing issue?
• We don’t ignore it. That is a common problem in the average-sized church. We can ignore it, thinking it will resolve itself. The truth is, it won’t. If we don’t create space for and invest in the young people in our churches and communities, they will continue to leave.
• We pray for God’s direction and intervention. Pray God will guide your church in reaching out to the young people in your community. Pray students will find open and receptive hearts within your church. My own parents weren’t involved in church during my high school years, but Springdale Baptist Church in Springdale opened their doors and hearts to me, and I found a place to be loved and poured into.
• Pray for the teenagers of your community. You may not have any young people in your church, but you know a God who can work through others to impact hearts and lives. Are you praying God will intervene in the lives of the next generation? Are you praying for Generation Z and Generation Alpha? Or are you simply bemoaning their strangeness and use of words like “skibidi Ohio.”
We at the Baptist Missionary Association of Arkansas Youth Department have determined that one of the best ways to impact the next generation is to pour into those working with them. We could be focused on providing activities, but a day spent with a student ministry worker multiplies impact rather than adds. At our annual Student Ministry Workers Retreat, we give books and provide speakers to refresh and challenge student ministry workers. In doing so, we aren’t just impacting the 80-100 in attendance each fall. We are impacting leaders who go back to their churches and work with students and adults for a supernatural team-up that has the potential to impact hundreds of lives.
As we share our podcast, it is the same type of investment. A youth pastor is challenged or reminded of something they could do, and then they reach out to their students. A day may come when we provide a conference for students or student-focused activities, but our focus is very clear for now. We exist to invest in those seeking to impact the next generation for Jesus Christ.
Let me ask a few very pointed questions:
• Will you join our financial support team? The old saying, “We can do more if we have more,” is absolutely true. During 2024, only 15 churches from the BMA of Arkansas supported the Youth Department. I am very grateful for these churches. They provide the support for me to focus on these issues and give us the base of what we need for our work. However, our dreams are limited due to support. I know we have over 300 churches in the BMA of Arkansas. If all these churches committed at least $10 or more per month, we would have the ability to do so much more. One of the more common responses is “our church doesn’t have any students." That may be true, but you are investing in the future of all BMA churches and the Kingdom of God. Your church’s gift can make all the difference in our work.
• Will you join our prayer support team? We are looking for people who will pray weekly for the ministry of the BMA of Arkansas Youth Department and pray for the teenagers of their communities.
There are no quick solutions to reaching the next generation. We begin by directing our best and brightest toward today's teenagers. Let’s invest in young men and women who love students and desire to see the next generation reached with the gospel. Our students face challenges and difficulties we never imagined when we were their age. Let’s work and serve, not just for today, but For the Next Generation.
If you would like me to come to your church and share about Student Ministry Matters, the BMA of Arkansas Youth Department or preach on a Sunday evening, please let me know. I can be reached at
Dan Carson
BMA Youth Department Director Dan Carson writes a weekly column titled, Student Ministry Matters, through which he inspires, challenges, and informs BMA of Arkansas churches and church staff about all things pertaining to student ministry.
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