STUDENT MINISTRY: Nine-Month Missionaries
Our students will return to their campuses and classrooms in less than a month. It’s not something they want to hear, but if framed correctly, our students can see school not as something to dread but to look forward to. Where else can they go and be in contact with the number of people their age who may or may not know Jesus? Their campus can be a mission field for the next nine months. It is a place open to them in ways that are not open to us as student ministry workers in today’s culture. Here are some ways we can encourage our students and help them prepare for their nine-month mission trip:
• Pray over your students. The Sunday before school starts, many churches pray for their students. However, those prayers are often for protection as they begin their new year. Be intentional as you pray for your students. Pray that God will open doors for the gospel as they interact with their friends and classmates. Pray that your students will stand for the gospel and biblical truth as they face falsehoods. Pray that they will use success in athletics and other areas as an opportunity to bring glory to the Father.
• Enlist members of your church to pray specifically for individual students. Our students need the ongoing prayer support we can provide. They are a part of our faith family, and we must consistently pray for them as they face the ups and downs of the school year. Don’t think I am excluding praying for homeschool students. Many of them are involved in co-ops and other outside activities. Pray that God will meet them there in those moments.
• Point your students to on-campus ministries. While many student ministry workers don’t have access to schools as we once did, there are established on-campus ministries that are student-led and provide opportunities for students of faith to connect. Fellowship of Christian Athletes and First Priority clubs are just two of the groups that are working hard to keep Christ on campus.
• Teach and speak on the subject. Our students need to hear you say that school is about more than school. While their teachers call for them to experience academic success, our desire is for them to bring glory to the Father. They do that by bringing Jesus with them to school every day. There is a program/initiative called “9-Month Mission Trip” ( you might want to check out as you help your Christ-following students embrace their calling.
• Provide resources. There are several great resources out there for your students. Gideons International has made one entirely free for students — Life Book ( It is a Gospel of Mark that provides notes geared for students. Visit their website for more information. Another one is Dare 2 Share at
Your students have an excellent opportunity to impact their schools and community in the next nine months. Let’s pray for our students and equip them to serve the kingdom.
Dan Carson
BMA Youth Department Director Dan Carson writes a weekly column titled, Student Ministry Matters, through which he inspires, challenges, and informs BMA of Arkansas churches and church staff about all things pertaining to student ministry.
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