The Greatest Gift
At this time of the year, I always have the same problem — what to give my wife for Christmas. In the past, I have spent hours picking out clothes just to see her return every single article of clothing because she didn’t like them. I have given her jewelry just to have it set in her jewelry box and never worn. I’ve also learned that giving your wife a gift card to the local car wash or a garage door opener isn’t a good idea either! So, over the last 50 years of marriage, I’ve given my wife many gifts that she has never used.
Several years ago, my wife finally decided that I needed some help in buying her a Christmas present, so she began to tell me what she wanted for Christmas. I appreciate her help, I really do, but the problem was that it was the Fourth of July, and I didn’t exactly have the Christmas Spirit when it was 100 degrees outside. Consequently, I didn’t pay real close attention. (I now realize that this was not the smartest move I’ve ever made!) So about two weeks before Christmas — okay — about two days before Christmas, I have to ask her again what she wants for Christmas and this time I know I must pay attention because the life I save may be my own!
I have to publicly confess that when it comes to giving my wife gifts — I’m a failure! But I know someone who is an expert gift giver — God the Father. God gave this world the greatest Christmas gift of all — Jesus Christ! It was Jesus Himself who said, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). The word “gave” means, “to give of one’s own accord and with good will.” The greatest gift that has ever been given to this world was freely given by God. No one coerced God to do this — He did it because of His great love for helpless sinners.
Bethlehem is not an isolated event in history. Bethlehem happened so that Calvary could happen. And Calvary happened so that we could be forgiven and dwell in God’s presence for eternity. Christ’s death on the cross cost God more than you and I realize. It was the ultimate price paid to redeem sinful man from the ultimate punishment. The reason why Jesus Christ is God’s greatest Christmas gift is because Jesus is the very best that God had to give and the very gift that we needed the most! If you have not already done so, we pray that you will receive God’s greatest gift into your heart and life this Christmas season. If you do, this will be the very best Christmas ever!
Jeff Swart
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Jeff Swart
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