The Master’s Builders Work at We Are Free
By Nelda Malone, Reporter
A small, determined group from The Master’s Builders began work at We Are Free on Oct. 3. They worked in the office and tack/supply rooms of the Equine Therapy Barn area. The siding was put up on the outside of the rooms and wiring, insulation and plywood were installed on the inside of each room. Doors were then installed.
This was job #179 for The Master’s Builders. Thank you so much to those who came and worked so hard to help in the ministry of We Are Free. Please continue to pray for this ministry!
We were so blessed in so many ways this week! Thank you to Mike Krebs and Zane Clark of Celebration Baptist in Haskell, who came on Tuesday to help with the work. Thank you to those who supplied the great food for our group this week.
Remember, if you have questions about The Master’s Builders ministry, or if your church has building needs, contact Mike Green at (972) 935-3877, David Axe at (903) 918-0720 or Eddie Sikes at (479) 462-1675.
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