What Wisemen Know — Matt. 2.1-12
In our culture to be wise means “book learning.” Wisdom in the culture of the Scriptures means put into practice a grasp of the eternal — the ultimate truths of God.
Wisemen know at least seven things:
• Wisemen know how to be patient.
• Wisemen are persistent.
• Wisemen look for providence.
• Wisemen practice worship.
• Wisemen place value on the joy of giving.
• Wisemen possess the spirit of Christmas.
• Wisemen perceive the point of Christmas.
The Christian has wisdom to know and understand:
• Jesus is the ultimate truth of God.
• Christmas means to worship the Savior.
• Right now, say “yes” to Jesus’ claim on your life.
What do you need in your life in order to be wise with God?
Dr. Tony Cleaver
Dr. Tony Cleaver pens a column titled, Leave It To Cleaver, in which he talks about a wide variety of topics relevant to the modern church and BMA Baptists.
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