WMA: God's Voice/Satan's Voice
By Susie Edgar
As I sat thumbing through my trusty worn Bible, I found this yellowed-by-time piece of paper. It contained a bit of advice given to me from a dear elderly lady many years ago. I had asked her, “How do you know when you receive a word that it’s from God or from Satan?” She looked me in the eye and smiled, took a piece of paper and began to write this list. It was so simple!
Isn’t that just like God to make it simple enough that even the least of us can understand. I pray God’s voice becomes clear to you at this very moment in your time of need.
God’s Voice: stills you, lead you, reassures you, enlightens you, encourages you, comforts you, calms you, convicts you.
Satan’s Voice: rushes you, pushes you, frightens you, confuses you, discourages you, worries you, obsesses you, condemns you.
Prayer — Thank you, Father, that I am a member of Your body and a dwelling place of Your Spirit.
Scriptures — John 10:27; 1 John 4:1; Psalm 143:8
— These articles are shared via the National WMA web page blog that can be accessed at nationalwma.org/blogs.
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