WMA: Recalibrating Your Legacy
By Cindy Allen
Veggie Tales was a big deal when our boys were little. In fact, I saved all the VCR tapes to show my grandkids. Thirty years later, I have awesome boys but no grandkids, and VCRs are a thing of the past. It makes my want-to-be grandmother's heart sad. (Yes, I have purchased some DVDs!) One thing I remember Bob and Larry telling us is that “Our God is a God of second chances.” Can I get an amen and a hallelujah?
If you are a believer who has messed up your legacy (and haven’t we all to one degree or another), ask the God of second chances to forgive you and set your feet back on the straight and narrow path. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (I John 1:19).
There may still be consequences, but God will work with you through the mess. After talking with God, maybe you need to talk with a godly friend or counselor. Many people in our lives have such wisdom. In my Connection Group, we often discuss how invaluable it is to share our lives with others because it can be so encouraging (to us and them). Also, read your Bible. There were many messy Bible people who Jesus didn’t shy away from. What did He tell the woman caught in the act of adultery? “…Go and sin no more” (John 8:11).
Recalibrating is a word I hadn’t heard of 10 years ago, but now we all know what it means. We know it is often used because we accidentally made a wrong turn or, in the moment, we couldn’t see how to go the way we were directed or didn’t want to go down the path we were told. Sadly, all of these can apply to our Christian walk. Jesus is there when we veer off, and He is more than willing to recalibrate our path and help us get back on the straight and narrow. Trust Him, follow Him and seek Him with all your heart.
We can still leave a godly legacy, so don’t throw in the towel and give up. There is nothing our God can’t overcome. Read about Gideon, Peter or David. When reading the Old Testament, I often wonder why God chose that group of people. I mean, they are some messed up individuals. Surely, God could do better. But it is very easy to see God working in those imperfect lives. The same is true for my imperfect life. God is up to the challenge of recalibrating your path and using you for His honor and glory.
Prayer — Dear Lord, as I walk the path you have for me, I often veer off and go in my own direction. Forgive me for times when I put my desires in front of yours. Lord, lead me back to your path. Help me to know that I am still useful to you. Nothing I can do can make your plans fail. Thank you for loving me and forgiving me. Guide my steps. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Scripture — Prov. 3:5-6, II Samuel 11 & 12, Psalm 51
Response — Ask God for forgiveness and it will be granted. Satan is the one who wants our sins to bog us down. If you have truly repented, God will honor that and He is ready to recalibrate your path. Forgive yourself and get going. Your new legacy begins today.
— These articles are shared via the National WMA web page blog that can be accessed at nationalwma.org/blogs.
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